Circle 00003 (r=4)

Content of the discussion:
The industrialized countries consume so many resources that developing countries will take every chance to achieve a similar level of prosperity. Why do we fail to design reasonable production and consumption patterns that would put a stop to the overexploitation of nature? How can we at least respect the biophysical boundaries of economic activity?

Panel members:
Georg Guensberg, consultant on environmental issues in strategic communications and politics, Vienna Sigrid Stagl, environmental economist, Professor at the Institute for Regional and Environmental Economics, University of Economics and Business, Vienna Ursula Tischner, Director of econcept Cologne, Professor of Design for Sustainability, Savannah College of Art, USA Moderated by Harald Gruendl, design theorist and CEO of IDRV, designer (EOOS), Vienna.

Circle 00003 (r=4) was kindly supported by the BMUKK.

Institute of Design Research Vienna

Ursula Tischner helps organising the Joint Action on Climate Change conference (JAOCC) in Aalborg Denmark from 8 to 11 June 2009:

e.g. two events are managed by her:

1.  Panel Debate: Can Design (for Sustainability) change the world?
10 June 2009 11:30 to 13:00 hrs
Leading experts in the field give 5 minutes presentations followed by a panel debate and discussion with the audience.
Participants: e.g. Chris Ryan, Uni Melbourne, Australia, Han Brezet, TU Delft, The Netherlands, Pascal Soboll, IDEO USA&Europe, Cristina Rocha, INETI Portugal

Moderation: Ursula Tischner

2. Master Class in Design for Sustainability
„A one-day Master Class will be held Thursday, June 11th by the well-known design expert Ursula Tischner.

Professional designers and product developers are invited as well as researchers from the University. Recent concepts such as cradle-to-cradle will be covered.
The Master Class is free for conference participants.“

Sustainable Mobility Design despite crises
Prof. Ursula Tischner, Designer, M.Sc., CEO, econcept – Agency for sustainable design, Cologne


Mankind has to cope with two crises: the economic and the even more important ecologic. How does a Mobility Design look, that is sustainable in regard to ecological and socio-economical criteria? What are the possible contemporary approaches to Mobility Design, in particular the approach to private mobility, in the light of those challenges? Is the electric automobile the solution to every problem? Some questions and possible answers have been discussed during a lecture held by Ursula Tischner, expert in Sustainable Design, and applied in the context of international discussions regarding Design for Sustainability.

eCarTec Forum in the hall C 3, New Fair Munich

Ursula Tischner speaks at 24hours design challenge in Ireland:
noon to noon 12th & 13th February 2009
at Design Faculty of
National College of Art and Design, NCAD
100 Thomas Street,
Dublin 08, Ireland.

Ursula Tischner speaks at
Ecodesign Symposium during the Tokyo Design Week on
30.11.2008 from 10.00 to 17:30 hrs
at the Tokyo Midtown Design HUB, Midtown Tower, Roppongi, Tokyo

Program and application form can be downloaded here:

Thursday 5 June 2008

Prince Philip Theatre / University of Melbourne

A public lecture by Ursula Tischner

As business responds to new environmental limits, designers now work on eco-efficient services, dematerialisation, eco-innovation, product-service systems and social innovation.

What does that mean for cities, office design, consumer products, services, emotional qualities, semantics, new businesses, design education, the role of designers in future vision?

21. Oktober 2008
von 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
Ultima Office Dialogue Programm
Halle 6, Stand A70/B71

Ein essentielles Thema, das derzeit (nicht nur) den Büro- und Objektbereich beschäftigt, ist der Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit. Aus diesem Grund greift auch der Ultima Office Dialogue diesen Aspekt auf. So referiert am 21. Oktober Dirk Boll, Sales & Marketing Director Central Europe, Interface Flor, unter der Überschrift „Mission Zero: Nachhaltigkeit als Unternehmensbasis“. Direkt im Anschluss diskutieren Dr. Carsten Gerhardt, Nachhaltigkeitsexperte und Mitglied der erweiterten Geschäftsleitung der internationalen Managementberatung A. T. Kearney, und Ursula Tischner, Geschäftsführerin der Ökologie- und Designberatungsagentur econcept, das Thema „Das nachhaltige Büro – ein neuer Markt auch für Büromöbelhersteller?“ unter Moderation von Julia Leendertse, WirtschaftsWoche.

See here for more results of the VOLVO SportsDesign Forum. Ursula Tischner was the host and moderator of the entire EcoDesign Lab, presented the winner of the category APPAREL and helped to conceptualise the event.

Go to the ispo-sportsdesign forum

Hot design

Sustainable Design Conference of Design Academy Eindhoven in Partnership with Dyson. 26th October 2007 from 9:30 to 16:00 hrs.

Download actual program below, and register with
Ursula Tischner at 
